As many of you are probably aware Machete is being made into a full length movie. For those of you not aware of that or what the hell I am talking about the afore mentioned hacking implement is actually the title of a "fake" movie that was trailed in between Rodriguez and Tarrantino's Grindhouse feature. Many of you may be scratching your heads in confusion, and rightly so as we viewers over in Blighty didn't get to see the full effect of this glorious idea. The reason being that lots of American people went to the cinema to see the double bill extravaganza got confused, cried a bit and left half way through. As a result the studio thought "here's an idea let's from here on in sell this double bill as two independent features thereby doubling profit!!!!! What could go wrong!!!! What about the trailers???? (dramatic pause) What trailers? mwoooha ha ha!!!!" or something like that any way. You can watch these little snippets of joy on You Tube if you like and when you do answer me this question. Why make Machete when our very own Edgar Wright's trailer for "DON'T" pisses all over the lot of them?
Many Thanks...
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