That's right folks it's official... they are making another
Ghostbusters movie. Now before you go getting all precious and burning memorabilia let's just listen to some of those whispers coming from Hollywood. Firstly the "they" who are remaking it actually consists of a collaboration between
Dan Ackroyd and
Judd Apatow. You know the chap who brought us
"The 40 Year old Virgin" and
"Knocked up". So expect a slick script with a bit of imporv sprinkled on the roof. Secondly the rumour is that the original cast will not return with the exception of cameos (especially from
Ernie Hudson who could probably do with the cash in these times of crunchy credit). Instead a new team of trusty spectre botherers will be donning the proton packs with the only confirmed replacement being Seth Rogen. You know the big cuddly poor man's
John Goodman from "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and "Knocked Up". Thirdly the story is being kept schtum but another rumour suggests that Apatow was unhappy with the "Noo Yawk Hell" idea dreamt up by Ackroyd which would have seen the boys cross over to a paralell hell universe version of the big apple. Instead massive re-writes once more ground big Dan's over active imagination. All I can say to these people is be veeeeeeeeeery careful indeed. I can almost hear the stay puff Marshmallow man spinning in his grave...if he had one.
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