November 22, 2008

Criminal scum like you made me...

Batman fans out there will remember back in 2003, before Nolan rebooted the tired old franchise, an interesting little short turned up on the internet, doing the rounds.
Batman: Dead End. A back to basics, dark fight between The Bat and The Joker, with a surprising genre twist evolving some Aliens and a few Predators. It was no ordinary fan film, this had production values and some cool looking direction. Everyone described it as a bad ass calling card.

Looking into who made it reviled it was by Sandy Collora an ex-assitant at Stan Winston Studio's with some cool SFX credits alongside Rob Bottin and Rick Baker. Including concept design for The Crow and Men In Black. Would he direct the new Batman film, would he heal our wounds?
But five years later he's back. And this time he's got a budget and a new vision. Hunter Prey.
An Enemy Mine type special opps chace in space. Even Guillermo del Toro is intrested, mentouring him through the post prossess. Due out now, but IMDb say's it's still in post. Can't find a trailer but it looks intresting, with a design tone from Star Wars' Ralph Mcquarrie this should be bad ass.

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