August 3, 2008

The last bite is with the eye...

It seems like film credit sequences are getting more and more sophisticated. Is it a bid to keep audiences in their seats to acknowledge the films' talented artisans and technicians, or is it just an indulgent project for some lucky designers and art directors? I went to see Wall E the other day which has a charming end credits sequence - not quite as fun as the Kung Fu Panda credits sequence I blogged about t'other day but very engaging nonetheless. (However, Wall E wins points for the inclusion of a new Peter Gabriel song over its end credits.)

I've found some excellent websites that know a lot more about this subject than I do - and websites that are also are able to round up the best of film titles+credit design more comprehensively than I.

If you love title design, check it out... Forget The Film, Watch The Titles and The Art of The Title.

And as a obvious nod to the so called father of film title design - here's a lovely Saul Bass website. He didn't have After Effects, did he?


Sinister Mr6 said...

Fantastic. A man called Kyle Cooper basically single-handedly re-invented the art of the credit sequence with his gritty Se7en titles. Some of them are stunning, even superseding the films they are attached to. Good work!

Laura Hulme said...

Yes, you're quite right Mr6 - and how could I forget to mention him? Check out Kyle's current venture - Prologue

Most recently responsible for the Iron Man titles. Rock!

THE DILLY said...

i just want to know if Mike Mignola is expecting a cheque in the post for the Mummy 3 credits...oh...he didnt do them? ahhh...

Sinister Mr6 said...

Looks a lot like Ben Templesmith's art work.

Laura Hulme said...

maginary Forces did the Mummy 3 Titles - although they're citing more generic Chinese influences regarding the project....