July 30, 2008

You can't do this to me, I'm an AMERICAN...

If you thought Indy 4 was arse, check out this interview with a Mr. G. Lucas. The bit I liked was when he said:
'Steven wasn’t that enthusiastic. I was trying to persuade him. But now Steve is more amenable to doing another one.'
ANOTHER ONE! What? Have you seen Crystal Skull? And I wonder why he wasn't enthusiastic? Is that because of the dumb alien script?
He continues:
'Yet we still have the issues about the direction we’d like to take. I’m in the future; Steven’s in the past. He’s trying to drag it back to the way they were, I’m trying to push it to a whole different place. So, still we have a sort of tension. This recent one came out of that.'
He's trying to drag it back the way they were! What an idiot, why would anyone want that? I'm sure the fans would love to see where Lucas can take it, see how many CGI characters we can crowbar into a poorly written script. Why don't you set it in space or in another dimension? Or you could make him a ghost and he could do archeology on the banks of the river Styx in the underworld.
I'm going back to bed.


Laura Hulme said...


THE DILLY said...

'im in the future'...hahaha... DUDE...Lucas - your in past!!! you have 3 good films to your name - thx, episode 4 & 6...THATS IT! your best is in your past...at least Speilberg tries new shit...hes about the future...not forever tinkering and ruining properties due to a lack of ideas...LEAVE INDY ALONE!!! if Lucas had his way hed go back and 'revisit' the indy films with updated CGI - and have the sword man from the marketplace strike first - to make it more 'fair'......
the world needs another indy film like africa needs famine - and i never thought id say that, but indy 4 WAS AWFUL...SOB!

Cosmo said...

I feel your pain...